Kalendar cvatnje bazira se na tipičnu godinu u rasadniku odnosno pokaznom vrtu. Svaka je sezona drugačija te jako ovisi o vremenskim uvjetima. Tijekom toplog ranog proljeća, biljke mogu procvjetati i do nekoliko tjedana ranije od uobičajenog dok za hladnih i kasnih proljeća, cvatnja može biti odgođena za nekoliko tjedana. Također, vrlo toplo i sušno ljeto može uzrokovati pomak jesenske cvatnje odnosno i odgode ako je vrijeme ekstremno. Prilikom posjete budite svjesni da jer još u fazi izrade te da neki dijelovi nisu u potpunosti dovršeni.
The information on blooming time listed below is based on a typical year in the Kalićis garden. Every season is slightly different. If we have a very warm spring, many plants will bloom a few weeks earlier. In a cold spring, bloom times of many flowers will probably be pushed back by a little bit. Also a hot and dry summer with drought conditions may cause a change in bloom times or even postpone it.
During the visit be aware that the garden is still a work in progress.
Posjete i razgledavanje kolekcija samo uz prethodnu najavu.
Visits are available by appointment only.
Siječanj January |
Rasadnik i vrtovi su zatvoreni. Sorry, the nursery and garden are closed. |
Veljača February |
Iris reticulata kolekcija/collection Helleborus sp. |
Ožujak March |
Epimedium collection |
Helleborus, Vinca, Euphorbia |
Early woodland plants |
Travanj April |
Epimedium collection |
Botanical tulips collection |
Iris barbata nana collection |
Heuchera & Tiarella collection |
Rockery plant/ kamenjarske biljke |
Svibanj May |
Iris barbata collection |
Rockery plant/ kamenjarske biljke |
Iris sibirica collection |
Heuchera & Tiarella collection |
Perennial plant borders / gredice s trajnicama |
Lipanj June |
Iris ensata collection |
Lavandula collection |
Nymphaea collection |
Heuchera & Tiarella collection |
Perennial plant borders / gredice s trajnicama |
Srpanj July |
Nymphaea collection |
Trial beds |
Nelumbo collection |
Perennial plant borders / gredice s trajnicama |
Kolovoz August |
Nymphaea collection |
Trial beds |
Nelumbo collection |
Perennial plant borders / gredice s trajnicama |
Rujan September |
Ukrasne trave / ornamental grasses |
Trial beds |
Asters, Sedums, Anemone |
Listopad October |
Ukrasne trave / ornamental grasses |
Asters, Sedums |
Studeni November |
Boje jeseni / Colors of autumn Ukrasne trave / ornamental grasses |
Prosinac December |
Vrt zimi: strukture i teksture trajnih biljaka The garden in winter: structure and textures of perennial plants |